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Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2012

Belated Frohe Weihnachten!

Yes, once again, Merry Christmas.
Even though it is already the 26th here, too - Boxing day, and the first day of the World Junior Hockey Championship.
I'm mentioning that because of two reasons:
One, it's why I won't be writing up my awesome day until tomorrow noon/afternoon, and two it's Canada - Germany!
Well, basically they have already finished, as it is in Russia (I think), but Andy and I will be watching the replay at nine a.m.!

Well, let me just say this day has been awesome and I have gotten like a huuuuuuge lot of presents - thanks everybody who has helped make this day so great and amazing and unforgettable!

The reason this post is so late? I was taking pictures of my presents, and the lighting was really off, so I had to improvise, which took its time.
I really won't be able to post before afternoon, because I promised Bobby and Jenna to help build the Lego Harry Potter Castle and Hagrid's Hut they got - and Lego is way better than editing pictures and writing my blog, sorry guys!

And now my head is collapsing on myself, and I'm going to bed.

Good night!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo Liebe, ganz besondere Weihnachtsgrüße aus BAb vom ganzen Clan! Nach gesangstechnisch stressigen Wochen ist heute unser erster Weihnachts-Ferien-Tag... alternativ zu Lego bauen zerdeppern wir Lego, zumindest virtuell und faulenzen. Ganz besonderen Dank für Deine Karte - unsere Grüße kommen wie immer erst nach Weihnachten! :))))

    Wusstest Du schon, dass Deine Mum die most awesome Weihnachtsgeschenke macht? Ach ja, Du hattest ja auch ein großes Packerl... :))))
    Lass es Dir gut gehen! katrinle

  2. Would you please post a pic of the HP Castle and Hagrid's Hut ?!
    I used to spend day after day after day with the boys in their rooms to build Lego after Christmas - we had every Lego three times, because each of the boys wanted his own Pirate Ship, Pirates'Island, Weltraumstation, Space-ship etc. etc. etc. - we counted over 130 building plans when we put all the Lego stuff into boxes for deposition on Memaws Dachboden :-)
    Have fun, take care, feel hugged !


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