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If you are a first-time visitor, or looking for the posts I consider most important ('cause I'm posting a lot), please go here or click "About Me" at the top of the page!
Otherwise just have fun!

Dienstag, 8. Januar 2013


First of all: Skip my introduction. I welcome you to read it, but if you want to go straight to my post, click this.

Today is, for those interested, in fact my 123rd post on this blog!
It's an awesome number, although I do hope to crack the 234, which is even more awesome. Why? Well, for one it's my birthdate, April 23rd, and two it's two prime numbers (2, 3) and the square of the first number, and both square numbers and prime numbers are something really beautiful.


You might have noticed, but I'm kind of remodeling my blog with a "Welcome Site", although Blogger doesn't let you do it per se, so I have to circumvent it with this little box up there.

Other changes?
Well, the labels can be found in a list at the side in alphabetical order, I have a page view statistics thing, the "About Me" page is totally new (and still being reworked, so have patience with me. I'm trying to compile a list with the post I imagine will be most read - my farewell book, my Vancouver trip with the multitude of pictures, my Christmas post, the feeling stuff), and I'm trying out a few new things.

I'm also trying to decide whether to stop posting once my exchange year is settled, or if I should continue; I guess I'll make it dependent whether or not I'll be taken by the University I have on top of my wishlist - or rather whether I'll be going abroad for my studies. If yes, I might keep posting, I'm guessing there are a few folks out there interested in studying abroad; or I might leave this blog as it is and make a new one so that future exchange students can find this here and ... not things muddled by a student.

I definitely will keep posting though, because I believe it's really great, for me at least, even if it's only me rambling. But it gives my day structure :).

Okay, about today.

What was special? After filling up on sleep during the holidays, I have already begun my sleepless-campaign. And why? Because I can't get myself to get my work done.
So as a consequence, I was sitting here yesterday evening, looking for a university to attend instead of doing my Spanish project and starting to sob hysterically when I found my dream study program...
And I looked scholarships up, but as far as I have seen, there are barely any :/
Well, I'll keep looking.

So, I finished my Spanish project with a bit of help from my mom (thanks!), caught four hours of sleep (too little) and ... didn't study any Japanese!
First thing this morning: Japanese test. I don't have to hand it in.
I write out all the days of the week, write them in Hiragana, write them in Kanji... I know them all? How the heck did that happen?
Well, so I did hand it in... Haven't gotten the score yet.
In Spanish the fortune was on my side and I wasn't picked, although I would have been ready to present.
In English, we started with writing essays as a practice for the finals, which was ... kinda nice. Although we had this lesson and the next, so I mainly stared out of the window and tried to write down all 30 of the NHL teams. I got 24 (not bad), and staring out of the window and watching the snow fall to the ground had two purposes: I tried to think of the teams and the players I know, and while I did that, my mind was free to ponder the assignment. Double purpose, and I really liked it.

In Biology, I  presented my teacher with my study guide questions on which I had gotten 33% (failed), and he hadn't seen the sheets stapled to the lab report! So he's re-evaluating that and changing my score (yay). I also talked to him extensively about the questions I hadn't been able to fill out and he provided me with some very interesting knowledge.

Well, that was it. I played the piano again today, and otherwise nothing special happened. Except that I was just laughing my ass of at the Edmonton Oiler vids over on youtube. They have some pretty funny vids up there :)

Oh, and I got two super awesome replies to my feelings post. Thank to Dorothea and Jana (she's also in Canada, but leaving at the same time as Doro), who both feel the same way - if I'm honest, I was once again not believing that anybody else would have similar views, so it amazes me even more. 
Thanks girls for your nice replies, you two rock!
Have a great day! Middle of the week! (At least over in Germany already, but if I had to be guessing I'd say it's Wednesday for most people reading this, so duh.)


(And we're still drowning in school; Dorothea hopes for snow day tomorrow, but in fact it should warm up to five degrees plus [no, I haven't yet figured out where the little circle is on the English keyboard :/], only to drop waaaaay below freezing on Friday. I'm not looking forward to the condition of the streets if that actually happens.)

3 Kommentare:

  1. Klingt nach viel weniger Aufregung als Du erwartet hast. Also: erst durchatmen, bis 3 zählen und dann loslegen ;)
    Hugs and kisses ♥

  2. How the heck did that happen? - Take a guess :-)
    You seem to be so much more relaxed concerning school :-)

  3. Hallo Julia,

    dies ist keine direkte Antwort auf Deinen Blog, aber ich wollte mich endlich mal melden, nachdem ich Weihnachten Deine Adresse von Deinen Eltern bekommen habe. Beim Querlesen ist mir aufgefallen, dass Du ähnlich gut beschäftigt bist wie ich. Seit meiner großen Reise nach Australien komme ich kaum zum Nachdenken. Die meiste Zeit verbringe ich in der Arbeit, beim Orthopäden und Krankengymnastik (seit ich das nass-kalte Wetter hier ertragen muss, kämpfe ich gegen Daumengelenksentzündung auf beiden Seiten) und ein bißchen mit Freunden, die aus Australien bz. Mali hier sind. Zum Glück denkt der Doc, dass es mir ab Mitte nächster Woche wieder besser gehen wird: Da fliege ich für eine gute Woche in dir Wärme, nach Scharm-el-Sheik.
    Ich finde es toll, dass Du Dir die Zeit nimmst, Deine Erfahrungen niederzuschreiben. Das Jahr geht so schnell vorbei und bei den vielen neuen Eindrücken geht auch gern mal was in der Erinnerung verloren oder durcheinander. Mit dem Tagebuch kann man später immer wieder die Erinnerungen zurückholen und in den weniger guten Zeiten, die jeder Mensch mal hat, davon zehren. Mir geht das mit meinen Reisetagebüchern auch immer so.
    Machst Du auch viele Fotos von Deiner Umgebung?
    Ich versuche ab jetzt, öfter mal auf Deine Einträge zu reagieren.
    Viel Spaß noch in den kommenden Monaten! Geniesse die Zeit, denn die schönen Erinnerungen, die Du damit sammeln kannst, kann Dir niemand wegnehmen. Die bleiben Dir, egal was in Deinem Leben passiert.

    Falls es Dir lieber wäre, dass ich künftig in Englisch schreibe, wäre das für mich auch ok. Ich habe es mir heute nur einfach gemacht, weil ich einen anstrengenden Tag hinter mir habe und gerade erst heim gekommen bin. Unsere Freundin aus Australien ist zur Zeit bei ihrem Vater in Riedenburg und Bernadette und ich sind heute vormittag von Erlangen aus dorthin gefahren, um mit ihr im Schloss Eggersberg zu Mittag zu essen. Wir waren alle ziemlich aufgebrezelt. Statt dessen gab es dann lausige Pizza zwischen Tür und Angel, denn kurz bevor wir ankamen ging es ihrem Vater wieder schlechter, Der hatte eine starke Erkältung mit hohem Fieber und einem stark geschwollenen Lymphknoten unter der Achsel. Deshalb hat sie auf Anraten ihres Onkels, der das Pflegeheim nebenan leitete, den Bereitschaftsarzt verständigt. Der kam nach 2 1/2 Stunden und stellte fest, dass der geschwollene Lymphknoten keiner war, sondern dass es ein Abszess war, der auch das Fieber auslöste, und dass Heinz sofort ins Krankenhaus nach Kelheim muss. Wir haben dann beide dorthin gefahren und gewartet bis sie durch die Notaufnahme waren und haben dann Anke wieder heim gebracht. Nach einem kurzen Imbiss sind wir dann wieder Richtung Erlangen gefahren.

    Von Bernadette soll ich Dir auch ganz liebe Grüße bestellen.

    Alles Liebe!


Due to incredible amounts of spam I had to put the security question back on - I'm sorry :)