And I found this website ... well, not quite :)
So yeah ... what did I do today? Woke up at 10:20 a.m., read til eleven, had lunch (no breakfast, didn't know what to make and the pasta from last dinner was still there), read some more, went for a run and read some more ... that's basically it.
And I'm going to the first playoff game Friday evening with Bob, Kelowna Rockets vs. Seattle Thunderbirds!
Tanya participated in a listener's drawing of AM 1150, the Rockets radio station, and won two tickets! And she let me choose who I wanted to go with, so I picked Bob - she's only been to one game, so yeah.
And now I'm unable to sleep - I hope I'll manage to write up why tomorrow, as I'm guessing some of you might find that interesting :)
See yah!
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Due to incredible amounts of spam I had to put the security question back on - I'm sorry :)