Okay, so my weekend was waaay too short, I'm telling you...
Yesterday I slept pretty long, then we went to Steph's soccer game (she lost, but just barely!), during which I finished highlighting all the important stuff in my Debate and Speech booklet, and fetched Doro from Queensway Exchange afterwards.
Doro and I then proceeded to spend a whole afternoon talking, with me doing my Biology stuff (I'm almost finished, yay!) and her knitting - yes, that's right, Doro's taken up my mom's favourite sport, as she shows here, and after dinner, which was tacos (very similar to our wraps, so I volunteered to do my family's "traditional" wraps, which my mum and me had so often we couldn't see them anymore afterwards while my dad was in South Africa), we tried watching "Sherlock Holmes (2009 film)", the Guy Ritchie movie with Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law, but we got so bored that we watched clips from the 'Ellen' show instead.
And they were so funny, I couldn't breath and was crying because I was laughing so much!
We went to sleep by one o'clock, I guess...
And today I caught the bus with her to Queensway again, where her hostmum picked us up, dropped me off at the fitness centre (HUGE kudos to her!) and then drove Doro home.
I caught the bus one and a half hours later back to Queensway, where Andy fetched me, because I would have had to wait 30 mins at the station, which is not optimal for a lonely young lady...
The afternoon I spent learning my katakana - I guess I have them down pretty well now, but I'm definitely not looking forward to the exam tomorrow.
And my parcel arrived in Germany! I don't think I already mentioned that, but well. It did. Arrive, I mean.
It was pretty quick; I sent it only two weeks ago. Or rather, tomorrow it would be two weeks.
I just hope my mom abides by my wishes and doesn't open it before Christmas - at least in regards to my Journal.
A pro pos Journal... I really should take two hours and write up what's happened and how I feel.
I don't know whether it's homesickness, but I fell kinda empty. Could be winter depression, or pressure from school, I don't know...
Skyping at the moment only makes matters worse. I always feel down afterwards, and although I actually look forward to doing it, I can't concentrate during the session. I don't know. I feel like I felt in the first few weeks - maybe I'm fully arriving in Canada right now!
On Wednesday we get our report cards and we go curling and yeah... I'm looking forward to that. But till then I have to survive three tests... So I'd be really grateful if you crossed your fingers for me!
Well, and now I'm very tired, so I'll get my kindle and read for another 15 mins, before I go to sleep.
Have a good week, everybody!
I love you all so much!
P.S.: If you keep that up, I might very well have a new hit count this month! This is so great!
So, und no a kurze Deifelei af bayrisch:
I komm mim Weg, wia de boaden Madln erzogn wern, ned klar. De Sochen, de si de kloane da beiden Madln assenimmt; mei Eltern hättn mi ungfähr a gonzes Joahr in mei Zimma gsteckt. Oder de Oider da boaden: Mia kemma hoam, ois is still. Wos is bassiert? De wollt an Guglakaunt hom. Fürd Meil. Muada sogt ne. Spada am seim Obend, nam Ignorieren am Disch, Dürnknallen und überhaupt ned sehr guadem Verhoitn: Sie greagt ehrer Akaunt. Des is ned nur inkonsequent, sondan a no bestärkend in ehram Verhoidn. Super. Naja, i holt mei Maul und strei hold immer wieder mui so an Satz ei, dass se mit so am Verhoidn in der großen weidn Woit ned weit kumma wird. Aber des is ned mei Aufgam de boiden afn richtgen Weg zu bringa. Und jetzt gute Nacht, i hoff es kennts des entziffern, i hob bloss a bissl Schiess vorm Gugl Übersetza!
So, and no a short Deifelei af Bavarian:
I come mim way wern wia de Boaden Madln erzogn, ned clear. De Sochen, de si de Runt since leaving takes two Madln, my parents gsteckt hättn Wed ungfähr a gonzes Joahr in my Zimma. Or de Oider Boaden as: Mia kemma hoam, ois is silent. Wos is bassiert? De want to Guglakaunt hom forD Meil. Muada SOGT ne. Spada at seim commensurate, nam Ignore at Disch Dürnknallen and even ned very guadem Verhoitn: You greagt PROFESSORS Akaunt. Ned is the only inconsistent sondan empowering in a no Ehram Verhoidn. Super. Well, I bring my mouth and coat again mui hold Sun egg to set that with so se on Verhoidn in great weidn Woit ned is Kumma far. But the is de ned my Aufgam boiden afn richtgen way to Bringa. And now good night, i hope it kennts of decipher, i just picked a bissl Shooting front Gugl Übersetza!
Please forgive me mz horrible attempts at Bavarian, I just wanted to answer to one of the lettern I received from Anna and Sophia!
Tell the world W. E. are coming!
Don't cry for what has gone by - smile and look forward to what will come!
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Sonntag, 18. November 2012
A short weekend
Schreckliches Bayrisch,
Kommentare zum Post (Atom)
I schmeiß mi weg - und lieg lachend am Bodn - dei Bayrischer Bericht is super! Is net so einfach mit de Schrazn, oder? ;)
AntwortenLöschenI through me away
AntwortenLöschenThe Crazy German
I break together :-))